How’s Your Balance?

Do you ever feel like this bear? Standing on a cliff, trying to juggle all of the tasks and commitments of your life?

If so, it may be time for a “time out” to re-center yourself, prioritize and create a plan for re-centering and moving away from the cliff. Do you need to pass off some of the things you are juggling? Great. Add that to your plan.

Next create a plan for moving forward in a sustainable way.

This will probably take several sessions of freewriting, and will probably take more than 5 minutes, but use today’s free-write to get started.

Bringing balance to your life is well worth the effort – and if you can get started before you are worn to the core it will take much less time and effort to achieve that balance.

So what do you say? Are you ready to start? Okay … ready … set … write!