What’s for Supper?

One of the hardest things I have to do each day is figure out what to make for supper. (I know … charmed life.)

The problem is that I get stuck in a rut and we keep having the same things over and over. Pasta, burgers, burritos, etc. I seem to have left all creativity behind … or it just takes too much work after a full day of work.

What about you? Do you struggle with menus? Or are you able to come up with exciting creations every day?

Take a few minutes to think about it, then set your timer and ready … set … write!

What will you do with your power?

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. And in that space lies our power to choose. In our response lies our growth and freedom.

Some version of that quote has been ascribed to various people from Stephen R Covey to Viktor Frankl to several others who have said similar things over the years.

But no matter who said it … it got me thinking about my power as a human being. Power for good … power to create change … power to make the world a better place …

The more I thought, the more I had to agree with this quote. The ability to make good choices requires space (and practice).

Sometimes, I have to consciously expand that space. Other times, there is plenty of space naturally occurring before I can respond.

What do you think? Does your power lie in the space between stimulus and response? What will you do with that power?

Okay. Set your timer and ready … set … write!

Baking Season

Date-pecan scone with words November is Baking Season.

November in the Pacific Northwest brings with it short days, cool (or cold) weather and snow – at least in the mountains. These things make me want to curl up with a good book, a hot drink and favorite baked item (fresh from the oven if possible).

That means it’s baking season. The aroma fills the house and soaks into your senses creating a feeling of home and comfort.

This week’s baking included the Date-pecan Scones in the picture. They are fluffy, tasty and filled with whole-grain goodness that let’s you accept a scone and still feel like you aren’t too far off your health goals. 🙂

What about you? Do you like to bake? What brings you the feeling of home and comfort?

Take a minute to consider it, then set your timer and ready … set … write!

How’s Your Balance?

Bear standing on a cliff on one leg, juggling eggs.

Do you ever feel like this bear? Standing on a cliff, trying to juggle all of the tasks and commitments of your life?

If so, it may be time for a “time out” to re-center yourself, prioritize and create a plan for re-centering and moving away from the cliff. Do you need to pass off some of the things you are juggling? Great. Add that to your plan.

Next create a plan for moving forward in a sustainable way.

This will probably take several sessions of freewriting, and will probably take more than 5 minutes, but use today’s free-write to get started.

Bringing balance to your life is well worth the effort – and if you can get started before you are worn to the core it will take much less time and effort to achieve that balance.

So what do you say? Are you ready to start? Okay … ready … set … write!

Fall Traditions

Applesauce in jars and applesauce cooking on the stove. What are your fall traditions? KariMolaWrites and you can too!

Fall is a time for change and preparation – the weather cools, the colors of nature turn from green to shades of yellow, orange and red and here in the Pacific Northwest it’s also a time for apples. One of our traditions since we have lived in apple country is to make applesauce every year. And since we live where the fruit grows, we are able to make applesauce from the sweetest varieties – most often Honeycrisp.

There is a little family run fruit stand just down the road from us, and every year we buy several boxes of their Honeycrisp 2nds to make applesauce. Apples that aren’t perfect – have some spots, are a strange shape, or anything else that would keep them from going to the grocery stores. They still taste great though, and mixed with a little lemon juice and cinnamon, then cooked down for a few hours, they make the best chunky applesauce in the world! Okay, maybe I’m a bit biased here, but that is what my tastebuds tell me. 🙂

But what about you? What are your fall traditions? Do you carve pumpkins? Go look at the fall colors? Something else entirely? I’d love to hear about them if you’d like to put them in the comments. But even if you don’t want to share, this is today’s writing prompt. So take a moment to think about your traditions, then…

Ready … set … write!


Today, I heard a quote by Adam Grant. He said that “the most meaningful way to succeed is to help other people succeed.”

I have personally found this to be true in my life. Anytime I help someone else do their job better or encourage them on a path that will improve their life, I feel satisfaction, fulfillment… success in my work.

What do you think? Do you agree? Have you experienced this as well? What does helping others succeed look like to you?

Take a minute or so to think about it, then ready … set … write.

How do you laugh?

8 flower varieties with quote "The Earth laughs in flowers." by Ralph Waldo Emmerson

A famous quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is “The Earth laughs in flowers.” When I see a field of daisies or sunflowers, this certainly seems to be the case.

Other flowers seem more stately and elegant rather than playful and laughing. Nevertheless, they make me smile.

But that leads me to our question for the day. How do you laugh? Is it a great big belly-laugh, or more of a gentle, rolling chuckle? Or something else entirely?

Take a few minutes to think about it and then set your timer and Ready … Set … Write!

Coastal Days

I love visiting the coast! Here in the Pacific Northwest of North America, our beaches may not be warm, but they are beautiful and teaming with wildlife. Today’s wildlife included Harbor Seals, Cormorants and Pelicans, a couple of whale sightings (gray?) and lots of Sea Gulls.

Harbor Seals chillin’ on the rocks.

The coast itself consists of rugged cliffs and rocks separated by stretches of sandy beaches. While the wind made sitting on the beach uncomfortable, overlooks at coves were protected and created great spaces for animal watching.

Now I’m watching the waves from the window of our vacation rental – a totally relaxing experience.

What about you? Where do you like to go to watch wildlife or just relax? Let me know in the comments – but first, set your timers for 5 minutes and ready … set … write!

Life’s Lemons

Do you know the saying “When life gives you Lemons, make lemonade?”

I have to say that is one saying that I love and hate all at once.

As an optimist, I totally want to make the best of any situation, but as a realist – particularly when I am the one facing some lemons, I just really want to throw them … and maybe stomp on them … and maybe throw a fit like a three year old.

What about you? Do you like orndislike the saying? Do you make lemonade when life gives you lemons?

Let me know in the comments if you’d like to share, then set your timer and ready … set … write!

Writers Write!

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about small changes that have a big impact over time. For instance, one day of intense exercise is not going to make you fit, but consistent exercise will.

In fact, he promotes the idea of starting small so that the habit is easier to form.

This idea is why I have chosen 5 minutes for the preferred time to free write from these prompts. But if you need to do less, that’s ok too.

In fact, James Clear also said in a podcast with Brene Brown … “Writing a sentence a day may not finish your novel, but it is casting a vote every day that you are a writer.

What do you think? Are you writing something every day … even if it is just a sentence? Or 5 out of 7?

Today’s prompt is to write about your plan for writing daily – even if it is just a sentence – and giving yourself the “I am a writer vote” every time.

Okay, here we go. Set your timer and ready … set … write!