
What distracts you?

It’s so easy to get distracted.   I go to find something on my phone and totally forget what I went for because of all the other things clamoring for my attention.

Notifications that I must take care of now, a reminder of that doctor’s appointment coming up, a message from work.

I try to minimize my digital distractions, but I can’t seem to get rid of all of them.

Then there are the non-digital distractions… you know, the age old issue of walking into a room and forgetting why you’re there?

It’s not senility or dementia, it happens to even young and perfectly healthy people.  It’s distraction, that nuisance that can affect anyone of any age.

It’s frustrating… so I’m curious…

What are your frustrating distractions, and what do you do to deal with them?

And that is your writing prompt for today.

So set your timer and – ready … set … write!