Nutrition Month

As we near the end of March (which is also Nutrition Month here in the US), I thought it would be a good time to reflect on what changes you would like to make in what or how much you eat.

For me, though I eat a pretty healthy diet, eating at healthier times and limiting sugar is a constant issue and one I am focusing on right now.

What about you? Are there changes you would like to make in your nutrition? Take a few minutes to write about them.

Set your timer for 5 minutes and ready … set … write!

Two Secrets to Success

I love this quote. It goes well with another one I heard recently. I’m not sure who said it, and I will probably say it wrong, but they said “success goes to those who can tolerate the boredom.”

I love that because it is a reminder that even when I am tired of doing the same thing day after day, I need to keep going to be successful.

Starting is important. If we don’t do that first, nothing else will matter. We will never get to experience the boredom, much less work through it to feel success on the other side, but persistence is also important. It takes both for success.

So next time you are bored with the processes that you must do every day, pat yourself on the back and consider it an important milestone to your success. Then dig in and keep doing those boring things remembering that this is just another stepping stone on your road to your dreams.

Dream big, start on the road to your dreams, then keep going, despite the boredom and monotony of every day tasks.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Write about it for today’s prompt. Are you ready?

Set your timer and ready … set … write!