Life’s Lemons

Do you know the saying “When life gives you Lemons, make lemonade?”

I have to say that is one saying that I love and hate all at once.

As an optimist, I totally want to make the best of any situation, but as a realist – particularly when I am the one facing some lemons, I just really want to throw them … and maybe stomp on them … and maybe throw a fit like a three year old.

What about you? Do you like orndislike the saying? Do you make lemonade when life gives you lemons?

Let me know in the comments if you’d like to share, then set your timer and ready … set … write!


I love a good veggie pizza, but I do NOT like pineapple (or any fruit for that matter) on it. I love pineapple, just not on my pizza.

My husband on the other hand loves pineapple on his pizza.

So, we typically end up with a half and half pizza which satisfies both of our taste buds.

What about you? Do you like fruit (in this case pineapple) on your pizza? It seems that people either love it or hate it. Does that sound like you?

What else do you like on your pizza? Or is it possible you don’t like pizza?

Write about it for today’s 5 min free write- or anything else you want to write about.

Set your timer and ready … set … write!

Through the Windshield

There are times when a view just makes you gasp and want to quickly save the sight for those times when memory fails.

That was the case as I came around a corner and was faced with the view in today’s featured photo.

We travel this road several times a year, but since it is on the west side of the Cascade Mountain Range, it is often shrouded in clouds … but not on this day.

The sight was fleeting and I could not stop to take a proper photo. So … I quickly snapped a shot through the windshield. If you look close enough, you can even see a smudge of dirt.

But it was worth it to be able to save this view of the mountain peeking through the mist. I would definitely take the shot again – though I should try to make sure I have a clean windshield at all times. 😉

What about you? Do you ever find yourself snapping pictures through the windshield because it’s just too beautiful to miss? Or do you ever wish you had?

Today’s 5 min free write is the time for you to write about views caught or missed (or whatever else strikes your fancy).

So set your timer and ready … set … write!


I love going to the local grocery store and looking at all of the magazines they have for sale. There’s just something about the glossy pictures, short but relevant articles and physical page turning that you just don’t get online.

In fact, I still subscribe to a couple of physical magazines – and though I may switch up which I subscribe to, I think I will always have one or two come in the mail – for nostalgia if nothing else.

What about you? Do you enjoy the feel of a magazine in your hand? Do you like flipping through the pages? Or is an online magazine more your style?

Set your timer for 5 min and write about what you like or don’t like about magazines. Or start with that and go wherever your mind takes you.

If you’d like to share, put it in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.

Here we go. Ready … set … write!

Nutrition Month

As we near the end of March (which is also Nutrition Month here in the US), I thought it would be a good time to reflect on what changes you would like to make in what or how much you eat.

For me, though I eat a pretty healthy diet, eating at healthier times and limiting sugar is a constant issue and one I am focusing on right now.

What about you? Are there changes you would like to make in your nutrition? Take a few minutes to write about them.

Set your timer for 5 minutes and ready … set … write!

World Poetry Day

Do you enjoy Poetry? Shakespeare, Tennyson, Dickinson?

I enjoy poetry best when set to music, but also enjoy listening to it being read by someone with a nice voice.

So for today’s free write, write about your favorite bit of poetry. Or… write some poetry yourself. You decide.

Get your pen, set your timer, and ready … set … write.

Two Secrets to Success

I love this quote. It goes well with another one I heard recently. I’m not sure who said it, and I will probably say it wrong, but they said “success goes to those who can tolerate the boredom.”

I love that because it is a reminder that even when I am tired of doing the same thing day after day, I need to keep going to be successful.

Starting is important. If we don’t do that first, nothing else will matter. We will never get to experience the boredom, much less work through it to feel success on the other side, but persistence is also important. It takes both for success.

So next time you are bored with the processes that you must do every day, pat yourself on the back and consider it an important milestone to your success. Then dig in and keep doing those boring things remembering that this is just another stepping stone on your road to your dreams.

Dream big, start on the road to your dreams, then keep going, despite the boredom and monotony of every day tasks.

What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Write about it for today’s prompt. Are you ready?

Set your timer and ready … set … write!